are you prepared to manage a crisis?
Lack of preparation is the reason customers lose trust and companies fail in the moments that matter. If you have a good legal team and a great PR agency you are about 10% prepared. So what about the other 90%?
The Reputation Continuum can assess your readiness to respond to unexpected events that could affect your reputation, and disrupt your business. We’ll show you where your plan is flawed or incomplete, from a business perspective. And talk more about why reputation is a continuum.
why should businesses be better humans?
It’s brutally simple. A meaningful relationship is built on trust. Trust is all about your reputation. And reputations are built through multiple interactions over time – the continuum theory. Good reputations are resilient enough to enable your business to prosper in fair weather and foul.
Humans have one setting, and the easier you make it to connect with you (i.e. on a human level), the more meaningful the relationship. A meaningful relationship translates directly to the bottom line.

why did we start the reputation continuum?
We believe trust is a human right, not a privilege. We believe companies that behave like better humans are more trustworthy, even in times of crisis. We believe good companies behave badly sometimes (often not deliberately) but customers will stay loyal to companies they trust.
We believe companies that get it wrong deserve the opportunity to make it right - past mistakes shouldn’t cost you your future.
We believe lack of preparation is the reason customers lose trust and companies fail in the moments that matter.
We believe that social media is judge, jury and executioner and that, in the court of social media, fairness is a rarity and the truth rarely gets in the way of a good story.
We believe you can become a better business because of it. While it can be a painful process, the key learnings and opportunities that drive change are a springboard for future success and increased brand resilience. Outcomes that empower your customers to be great brand ambassadors and attract more customers. Behaviours that attract the right sort of attention and make you a company people want to work for and feel proud to do so.
If you feel the same, we'd love to hear from you.
the key to success is behaving like a better human
If you know the difference between right and wrong, why should it be any different in a business context? Most reputation issues stem from a breach of consumer trust. Companies do it all the time – it’s constantly in the news. And consumers have been conditioned over time to expect it. But they’re no longer willing to accept it, and social media makes it very easy for them to call out bad company behaviour instantly, and globally. The rules of fairness don't apply in the court of social media.
past mistakes shouldn't cost you your future
Trust is a human right, not a privilege, and it's commercially viable because trust drives loyalty. Companies that behave like better humans are more trustworthy, even in times of crisis. We believe companies that get it wrong deserve the opportunity to make it right - doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?
Think it won't happen to you?
Few companies do.

We start by
assessing your preparedness
to respond to issues that could disrupt your business, resulting in commercial damage, and identify where your planning is flawed or incomplete.