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The knowledge that comes from being a business insider, combined with her experience with lawyers, regulators and agencies spanning almost 30-years enables Erin to bring it all together in a way no one else can.  And drive effective response strategy, fast. 


Erin will work with you to build a response framework addressing the five reputation risk factors. 


Erin can also work with the Board to recognise the importance of including reputation in the organisation’s risk management framework.



about Erin Corner

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"Erin Corner brings unique perspective and impact to reputation and crisis management.

1. A corporate insider’s view and deep experience of what’s needed to ensure companies move with pace.   2.  Proven know-how on how to communicate in a crisis, with persuasion and power.   3. Most of all, she energises collaboration, and gets the big things done, and fast.   Erin quite simply is the perfect crisis navigator."
Chris Savage - The Savage Co.


more testimonials

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A strategic marketing consultancy you can order in as and when needed with the experience, commercial savvy and ability to hit the ground running. We synchronise the efforts of your internal team and trusted partners to drive long-term success.

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